Monday, 21 March 2016

Lady Eostre steps into the light..

An Anglo-Saxon word hoard for the passing of Ostara and the dawn of summer:

The Lady of the Greening, Beth Wildwood
The land she twitches
Her nostrils rich
With the gloaming scents
Of a million shoots

By the dew-soft hands of Lady Nerthus

The moon she fattens
Her belly taut
With the unbound promise
Of a million stars

Into the comforting arms of Lady Freya

The sun she races
Her hair bright flaming
With the shining joy
Of a million blossoms

By the warming smile of Lady Erce

Now the woods lie poised
     Between Holly and Oak
     Between Moon and Sun
     Between Loss and Hope
     Between Past and To Come

Into the clearing
     With shoots beneath
     With blossom around
     With stars above
Comes Lady Eostre

In her step she brings Dawn
With her touch she brings Love

With thanks to Beth Wildwood for her beautiful painting